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Virginia launches grant program for DMOs impacted by COVID-19
22 June 2020

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Virginia Tourism Corporation

The Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) has announced the launch of the WanderLove Grant Program to provide immediate recovery marketing funds of up to $10,000 to up to 50 "recognized Virginia DMOs" heavily impacted by COVID-19.

WanderLove is VTC's marketing campaign for summer 2020, intended to inspire road trips featuring outdoor recreation, "hidden gems", and small towns.

Recipients of the DMO grants will get templates and resources for promoting their own destination under the WanderLove program.

Requirements - as a minimum, grant recipients must:

  • Submit a media release announcing participation in WanderLove and receipt of the grant award
  • Create and promote an original road trip video or promote VTC's video
  • Create a WanderLove road trip blog or submit an itinerary for
  • Create and share at least 3 WanderLove-related posts on social media

And for extra credit, applicants are encouraged to:

  • Customize WanderLove templates for print or digital media
  • Use VTC co-op programs to maximize media spend
  • Propose an original, unique promotion of WanderLove

Applications will be accepted online only

Applications are open now through 2 July, awards to be announced by 15 July.

Any funds awarded must be used by 30 June 2021.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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