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LA Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser wants to shift tourism promotion spend to in-state
14 May 2020

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Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser

Louisiana Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser - who has oversight of the state's Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism - wants to shift tourism promotion spend from out-of-state to in-state through July, in response to COVID-19 travel restrictions and to try to salvage the summer 2020 tourist season.

Louisiana has already paused its international tourism marketing, but a state law requires that no more than 10% of tourism promotion spend be devoted to in-state tourism.

The Louisiana House Appropriations Committee has approved Concurrent Resolution 31 which would waive the 10% cap on in-state promotion, and sent the measure to the full House.

We wish Mr. Nungesser all success in his effort to save Louisiana's 2020 summer season.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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