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CT Eastern Regional Tourism District awards $200K in grants
31 December 2020

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Eastern Regional Tourism District

The Eastern Regional Tourism District of Connecticut (ERTD) has announced the award of grants to 9 tourism projects in its December 2020 round of grant funding.

Projects receiving grants are:

  • Where Art Lives, a collaboration between the Florence Griswold Museum and the Lyme Art Association to pro,ote the arts
  • The New London Tourism Unity Initiative, a strategy to develop useful marketing and tourism-related tools
  • Town of Windham Marketing Campaign, a program to enhance ongoing communications strategies
  • Voluntown Tourism Campaign, a collaboration between the Voluntown Economic Development Commission and Friends of Pachaug Forest to produce and distribute trail maps
  • Air Line Trail Brochure Marketing Campaign, a project to increase access to information regarding the Air Line Trail
  • Windham Region Chamber of Commerce Regional Marketing Project, an initiative to develop four video itineraries of the region
  • Partners in History, a collaboration between the Thames River Heritage Park and eight partner sites to create a series of short videos
  • So Good to See You in Mystic, a campaign through the Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce promoting hospitality, aquatic recreation and dining
  • Passport to Norwich, a program to leverage the city’s diverse dining culture and heritage

Projects must be completed by the end of the fiscal year on 30 June 2020.

ERTD Chairman Jim Bellano said:

"Given the pace at which the U.S. is developing a vaccine, we are excited to see these programs move forward to market Connecticut’s spring and summer tourism seasons."

ERTD officials hope to see the grant program grow in 2021.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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