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USM to work on VOC ED program to grow Greenland tourism
20 December 2020

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University of Southern Maine

The Arctic Education Alliance - a partnership of the University of Southern Maine, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Penn State University, the University of Greenland and the US Department of State - will be working on creating vocational education programs intended to support sustainable tourism and hospitality in Greenland.

USM offers a BA degree program in Tourism and Hospitality, with specialization in Hospitality Management or Sustainable Tourism Innovation & Development.

The Greenland initiative is expected to feature an exchange of students and teachers between USM and universities in Greenland.

In 2019, Greenland experienced double-digit negative growth rates in overnight stays from its core markets:

  • US -12.8%
  • France -17.2%
  • UK -21.7%
  • Other Europe -21.7%
  • Other -25.6%

Overnight stays from Denmark grew by 3.4%, driven in part by business and governmental travel related to the development of new airports at Nuuk, Ilulissat and Qaqortoq, and also President Trump's purchase offer.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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