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74% of travelers rank health and safety certification #1 as driver of destination choice
27 October 2020

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Travel Consul

A September 2020 survey of travel agents and tour operators by global travel marketers Travel Consul finds that health and safety certification is the #1 client consideration in choice of travel destination, cited by 74% of respondents.

Destination government management of COVID-19 and price rank #2 and #3.

When asked what DMOs can do to help travel partners most, top 4 answers were:

  1. Introduce health and safety certifications at the destination (cited by nearly 60%)
  2. Run consumer marketing campaigns
  3. Present useful/timely data
  4. Maintain an info hub for trade partners

Trends in traveler preferences cited by respondents included:

  • Growing interest in:
    • Solo travel (cited by 66%)
    • Hotels and resorts (64%)
    • All-inclusive resorts (60%)
    • Self-catering rentals
    • Small group (8-15) tours
    • Fly-drive packages
  • International advance bookings:
    • 48% of clients haven't yet decided when to travel
    • 21% say they will book less than a month in advance
    • 31% of North American travelers are booking 7 -12 months prior to departure

Data sources preferred by agents and operators:

  1. Industry associations (64%)
  2. DMOs (40%)
  3. Industry friends (35%)

Top marketing channels for recovery:

  1. Social media (70%)
  2. Digital marketing
  3. Personal sales

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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