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NH Seacoast chambers partnering with GOFERR on COVID-19 recovery
10 October 2020

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Governor’s Office for Economic Relief and Recovery

NH Gov. Chris Sununu

The 6 NH Seacoast Area chambers of commerce - Exeter Area, Greater Dover, Greater Portsmouth, Greater Rochester, Hampton Area and Somersworth Area - are cooperating on the development of 6 marketing campaigns to be run in partnership with Chris Sununu's Governor's Office for Economic Relief and Recovery (GOFERR).

The new campaigns will include among others a destination marketing campaign intended to restart business in the tourism sector, which has suffered fromg COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Gov. Sununu created GOFERR to allocate and disburse CARES Act emergency relief funds to NH communities, organizations and businesses that have been adversely impacted by the COVID-190 pandemic.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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