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COVID-19 restrictions on Maine lodging bookings
20 April 2020

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Maine Office of Tourism

In simple terms, current (20 April 2020) restrictions on operators of Maine lodging properties including campgrounds with regard to accepting bookings from any persons not on the State's Essential Services List are:

  • You may not accept new reservations - online or otherwise - for any dates in April 2020.
  • That includes short-term-rentals of up to 6 months.
  • You may accept reservations by phone or online for dates 1 May 2020 and later.
  • Guests already at the property in April may remain until the end of their original reservation, but no longer.
  • Extended-stay guests already in-house in April can remain, but if they leave Maine and return during the term of their original reservation they will need to quarantine for 14 days.
  • Compliance with stay-at-home and 14-day-quarantine orders rules out weekend use of campers on campgrounds, as well as vacation homes.
  • Exceptions - allowable April bookings that may be permitted by the State on a case basis:
    • Vulnerable populations including children in emergency placements, persons at risk of domestic violence, homeless individuals
    • Use as self-quarantining or self-isolation facilities
    • "Limited verifiable extenuating circumstances for the care and safety of residents"

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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