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NS gov't offers $50M in loan guarantees to largest tourism operators
19 October 2020

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Nova Scotia Covid Response Council

The Government of Nova Scotia has announced the availability of $50M in loan guarantees for the province's largest tourism operators: those that had at least 100 employees and $10M in revenues in 2019, and which experienced a year-on-year revenue decline of 50% or more in April-July 2020.

There are believed to be only 11 companies that might meet these eligibility criteria

The Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia said in a media release that it is "extremely disappointed" that smaller operators won't be eligible for the program.

NS Business Minister Geoff MacLellan has promised that help for smaller operators will be forthcoming, perhaps via property tax relief or government grants.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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