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Formula 1 releases new 2020 calendar
31 May 2020 (Edited )

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Formula 1

Formula 1 has confirmed the 2020 season will begin in Austria in July.

First 8 races in the new calendar - revised because of COVID-19 - will be:

  • Formula 1 Rolex Grosser Preis von Osterreich 3-5 July in Austria
  • Formula 1 Pirelli Grosser Preis der Steiermark 10-12 July in Austria
  • Formula 1 Aramco Magyar Nagydij 17-19 July in Hungary
  • Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 31 July-2 August at Silverstone in UK
  • Emirates Formula 1 70th Anniversary Grand Prix 7-9 August at Silverstone in UK
  • Formula 1 Aramco Gran Premio de Espana 14-16 August in Spain
  • Formula 1 Rolex Belgian Grand Prix 28-30 August in Belgium
  • Formula 1 Gran Premio Heineken d'Italia 4-6 September at Monza

Regarding the 2 races scheduled to be held at Silverstone: F1 anticipates that participants will be exempted from the UK's recently instituted 14-day quarantine requirement for arrivals from overseas.

Currently it's expected that these first 8 races will take place without spectators.

F1 expects to present a total of 15-18 races by December.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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