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Start of Formula 1 2020 season pushed back at least to end of May
17 March 2020

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Formula 1

Formula 1 and governing body FIA have announced they expect the 2020 F1 season to begin at the end of May - but subject to ongoing review.

This follows the cancellation of the first-of-the-season Australian Grand Prix when a McLaren team member tested positive for COVID-19.

Races scheduled for China, Bahrain and Vietnam have been postponed.

Per the joint F1-FIA statement:

"Formula 1 and the FIA continue to work closely with the race promoters in Bahrain and Vietnam and the local health authorities to monitor the situation and take the appropriate amount of time to study the viability of potential alternative dates for each Grand Prix later in the year should the situation improve.

"As a result, Formula 1 and the FIA expect to begin the Championship in Europe at the end of May but given the sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in Europe in recent days, this will be regularly reviewed."

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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