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VisitBritain to present ExploreGB Virtual 2021 1-5 March
27 February 2021

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UK national tourist board VisitBritain will hold its 2021 tradeshow and marketplace ExporeGB virtually 1-5 March 2021.

Event will feature:

  • 350 buyers and journalists from 20 countries (including Australia, China, GCC, France, Germany, Italy Spain, USA) meeting with 350 UK suppliers and destination reps
  • More than 1000 one-to-one virtual meetings between exhibitors and international buyers
  • Virtual Exhibitor booths to display marketing materials
  • VIBE event where exhibitors meet with VisitBritain in-market specialists
  • Accommodates all time zones with a scheduled program for buyers from both short-haul and long-haul destinations


  • 1 March: International Business Exchange (VIBE) - educational day for suppliers, 1"1 meetings with in-market specialists
  • 2-4 March: 1:1 appointments between suppliers and international buyers; webinars, exhibitor booths
  • 5 March: Travel Agent education day - agents can download supplier content and meet virtually with other delegates

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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