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BREAKING: Discover New England cancels 2021 Summit, sets 2022 dates
20 November 2020

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Discover New England

Discover New England Executive Director Chris Jennings announced today in an e-mail that the 2021 Tourism Summit & International Marketplace has been canceled because of COVID-19 travel restrictions.

The next Summit is now scheduled for 1-4 May 2022 at Sunday River in Newry, ME.


"In 2019, DNE facilitated more than 5,000 meetings between international buyers and New England suppliers. Each year Discover New England (DNE) hosts 80+ international tour operators and US receptive operators. These individuals meet with New England tourism representatives from lodging properties, attractions, destination marketing organizations and state tourism offices to learn about travel products, establish relationships and initiate contracts for both group tours and foreign independent travelers (FIT)."

I wonder why the 2021 event couldn't be held virtually, like COTTM ?

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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