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Tourism Minister José Gonçalves to speak at Cape Verde Investment Forum Boston on 30 September 2019
25 September 2019

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Cabo Verde Investment Forum

Cabo Verde Investment Forum scheduled for 30 September -1 October 2019 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston is an invitation-only event expected to be attended by more than 300 investors, business leaders and representatives of the Cape Verde government to "...accelerate the investments of the private and public financial sector and private investors..." in projects that can contribute to sustainable economic growth and job creation in Cape Verde.

A plenary session on the morning of 30 September on "Cabo Verde, the new tourism destination" will be chaired by Tourism and Transport Minister José Gonçalves with speakers from Hilton, The Resort Group, TUI, Marriott and International Holding Cabo Verde.

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh and MA Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito will deliver opening remarks.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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