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Greg Hill Foundation to offer winterization grants to Boston restaurants
09 November 2020

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Greg Hill Foundation

Boston WAAF media personality Greg Hill, with a $2M donation from food delivery company GrubHub, is launching a Restaurant Strong Fund that will offer $10,000 grants to Boston restaurants to winterize their outdoor seating spaces and increase guest capacity as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make social distancing necessary this fall and winter.

The Greg Hill Foundation was formed in 2010 to collect donations from Hill's media audience in order to "respond to the immediate needs of families touched by tragedy."

To be eligible for grants, restaurants must::

  • Have no more than 5 locations
  • Provide a plan for winterization of outdoor dining spaces
  • State indoor and exterior dining capacities
  • Explain why grant is needed
  • Agree to provide photos of winterized spaces if awarded a grant

Beginning today Monday 9 November 2020, The Restaurant Strong Fund will accept up to 1000 grant applications from Boston restaurants.

Grants will also be available to restaurants in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.

Awards will be announced beginning 23 November.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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