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BAA sets tentative 11 October 2021 date for 125th Boston Marathon
28 January 2021

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Boston Athletic Association

Boston Marathon organizers Boston Athletic Association have announced that if permitted under the Massachusetts plan for reopening post-COVID-19, the 125th event will take place on Columbus Day, Monday, 11 October 2021.

MA Gov. Charlie Baker said:

“We will continue to work with local partners and the B.A.A. to monitor the situation and remain hopeful that the 125th Boston Marathon can take place this October.”

Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh said:

"We have a ways to go before we're out of the woods, but guided by sound judgment and the advice of our public health experts, I am hopeful that we'll get to enjoy the return of one of Boston's most storied traditions this fall."

The BAA said details including field size, registration dates and safety protocols will be forthcoming.

A virtual race option is planned also.

Road races aren't permitted in MA until the state enters Phase IV of its reopening plan. The state has been at Phase III, Step 1 since 13 December 2020.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
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ACRO Global

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