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CT Blue Ribbon Panel delivers tourism recommendations
31 March 2019 (Edited )

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Connecticut Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz

House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Tourism have delivered their report to the CT Legislature's Commerce Committee.

Recommendations include:

  • Divert 25% of hotel bed tax revenues to the Arts, Culture and Tourism Fund
  • Not further increase the bed tax after it goes to 17% next year
  • Appoint an Arts, Culture and Tourism Commissioner reporting to the Governor
  • Fund the 5 existing regional DMOs plus a Convention and Sports Bureau
  • Reopen the welcome centers (restrooms 24/7)
  • Appoint a CT tourism rebranding committee

Per CT DECD, tourism in CT is a $14.7B industry supporting 83,000 jobs and producing $1.7B in tax revenues. Critics of how the Legislature has been handling tourism promotion say funding has decreased every year for the past 8 years.

Will these recommendations fly? Will they make a difference? Stay tuned for updates.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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