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Visit Florida resumes marketing to Canada in Phase 3 of reopening
22 October 2020

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Visit Florida

When Florida entered Phase 3 of reopening earlier this month, Visit Florida resumed marketing to Canadians.

Although the US-Canada land border will remain closed to non-essential travel by car, rail, ferry and pleasure boats until at least 21 November 2020, in a strange quirk of the US regulations, Canadians can still fly into the US, provided they have not visited Brazil, China, Iran, Ireland, the UK or any country in the Schengen Zone of Europe in the prior 14 days.

However, Canadians who visit the US must quarantine for 14 days after returning to Canada.

This must be the first instance in recorded history of New England and New York being disadvantaged by their proximity to Canada, and Florida advantaged by its distance.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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