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International arrivals to Canada were up 8% in June 2017, US arrivals up 7%
07 September 2017 (Edited )

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Destination Canada

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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Posted 13 September 2017:

Visits from most major source markets were up, but visits from France, the UK and Japan continued to decline.

There were record arrivals from Mexico and Brazil. One theory about that is that travelers from Latin America are choosing to visit Canada vice the USA because of the current US political climate (e.g., US-Mexico wall).

Decline in visits from UK likely resulted from the weakness of the GBP since June 2016.

A 7.4% increase in overnight visits from the USA was likely due in part to added air capacity; arrivals by auto were up only 0.5%. The strengthening CAD (against USD) seems not to have made any significant dent in visits from the USA yet.

Visits from China should increase during the 2018 Year of China-Canada Tourism.

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