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Syria Tourism PR campaign ramped up for summer 2018 despite ongoing civil war [VIDEO]
21 June 2018 (Edited )

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David|21 June 2018

Syria is making a serious effort to draw tourists, particularly Europeans, for summer holidays in 2018, depending heavily on videos promoted through Facebook, YouTube and other social media channels. The Tourism Ministry has also participated in travel shows in Europe this year.

But their marketing collateral neglects to mention the civil war that's been ongoing in the country since 2011.

Although the Syrian Ministry of Tourism insists that foreign tourists visiting the country have nothing to fear, the US and most European countries have issued travel advisories warning their citizens against any travel to Syria.

Syria is a beautiful country, but I'm afraid one best avoided by the thinking traveler as long as the war continues.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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