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Next in Maine: Businesses in cities and coastal counties to enforce mandatory mask requirement
03 July 2020

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Gov. Janet Mills

Maine Gov. Janet Mills announced on Wednesday that she will shortly issue an Executive Order making operators of certain businesses in parts of Maine responsible for enforcement of the mandatory wearing of face coverings by employees and customers.

Businesses to be affected include:

  • "Large" retail stores
  • Lodging places
  • Restaurants
  • Outdoor bars and tasting rooms (On 22 June, Gov. Mills suspended indefinitely the reopening of indoor bar service.)

In these counties:

  • Cumberland
  • Hancock
  • Knox
  • Lincoln
  • Sagadahoc
  • Waldo
  • York

And also these cities:

  • Auburn
  • Bangor
  • Brewer
  • Lewiston

Mills said that businesses will be required to agree to enforce the face-covering requirement as a condition of reopening.

Whether or not to wear a mask has become a politicized issue across the US: some conservatives (of which there are plenty in Maine) are said to believe that mask-wearing is a sign of liberalism. There have been anti-mask protests and demonstrations in California, Florida, Texas and elsewhere.

Although President Donald Trump has so far largely avoided being photographed wearing a mask, he said Wednesday in an interview "I'm all for masks. I think masks are good."

Maine DHHS Commissioner Jeanne Lambrew said the Mills Administration is trying to make sure that businesses "have the support so that they can deescalate circumstances where there is some hostility."

Has the Mills Administration thought this mask-wearing enforcement issue through sufficiently to ensure frictionless execution? Stay tuned.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
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