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'Fill Your Heart with Ireland' TV campaign now live in Germany
28 August 2019 (Edited )

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Tourism Ireland

With the Northern Ireland backstop getting a lot of press in Germany following last week's meeting between UK PM Boris Johnson and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Tourism Ireland has rolled out its 'Fill Your Heart with Ireland' campaign on German TV channels ARD, SAT.1, RTL, Super RTL, VOX and Disney, which have a combined reach of more than 9M Germans. Ads are also running on digital channels and social-media sites with reach of nearly 2M people.

Campaign is intended to induce visits to the Island of Ireland in the upcoming fall shoulder season, and in winter 2019-2020.

More than 800,000 Germans visited Ireland in 2018.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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