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European cities see most bednight growth from China, Spain and USA
09 July 2019 (Edited )

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European Cities Marketing

The European Cities Marketing Benchmark Report 2018-2019 shows an overall growth rate in 2018 bednights of 4.2% vs. 2017.

Markets of highest growth included:

  • China +9.6%
  • Spain +8.5%
  • USA +6.4%

Top 10 cities in terms of 2018 bednights were (with 2018 % growth):

  1. London 71M bednights (-8.7%)
  2. Paris 53M bednights (+9.2%)
  3. Berlin 33M bednights (+5.5%)
  4. Rome 29M bednights (+3.1%)
  5. Istanbul 21M bednights (+20.3%)
  6. Madrid 20M bednights (+3.0%)
  7. Barcelona 19M bednights (+2.7%)
  8. Prague 18M bednights (+1.1%)
  9. Vienna 17M bednights +6.0%
  10. Munich 17M bednights (+9.3%)

ECM lists main factors influencing tourism demand in Europe as:

  • competition from emerging destinations
  • volatility of financial markets
  • political and economic crisis
  • security issues
  • airline connectivity
  • economic recovery in long-haul markets (e.g., Japan)
  • tariffs and trade war among USA, EU, China

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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