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USTA announces IPW will next be held in Las Vegas 10-14 May 2021
28 April 2020

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US Travel Association

USTA's annual trade show and marketplace IPW will next be held in the new West Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center 10-14 May 2021.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, IPW 2020 had been scheduled to open 30 May this year in Las Vegas. Now, Las Vegas will host in 2021 and Chicago, which had previously been scheduled to host the show in 2021, will now host in 2025.

IPW drives $5.5B in future travel to the USA that could otherwise be secured only through exhaustive (and expensive) around-the world trips by US travel officials and suppliers.

Host cities for 2022-2024 will remain: Orlando in 2022, San Antonia in 2023 and Los Angeles in 2024.

USTA is the US national, 501(c)6 non-profit organization representing all components of the travel industry that generates $2.6 trillion in economic output and supports 15.8 million American jobs.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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