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Maine Governor's Conference & Tourism Awards 2024
21 December 2023 (Edited )

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24-25 April 2024 in Portland

Maine Governor's Conference & Tourism Awards 2024

MOT will host the 2024 event at the Holiday Inn By The Bay in Portland on 24 and 25 April.

2024 tourism awards nominations are now open, and sponsorship opportunities are on sale.

2024 award categories are:

  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Leadership & Growth
  • Stewardship
  • WelcomeME
  • Governor's Award for Tourism Excellence

Stewardship and WelcomeME award categories are new for 2024.

The Stewardship Award will recognize a company, organization or community that supports sustainable tourism and the goals of MOT's Destination Management Plan.

The WelcomeME Award will recognize members of Maine's frontline workforce for setting standards of exemplary customer service when interacting with visitors.

Go here for more information about the awards and the nomination link.

Email here for sponsorship information: .

Conference speakers and agenda are not yet set.

For general information about the conference, call 207-781-2982 or send an email to .

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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