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Residents of CT, NJ, NY can now visit Maine without quarantining or testing
02 July 2020

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Gov. Janet Mills

Maine Gov. Janet Mills and MCDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah

Maine Gov. Janet Mills announced yesterday that beginning Friday 3 July 2020 residents of Connecticut, New Jersey and New York can visit Maine without quarantining, COVID-19 testing, or presenting a Certificate of Compliance.

Residents of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have been exempt from these requirements since 12 June.

Maine tourism industry officials have expressed disappointment that Massachusetts - Maine's #1 geographic tourism market - and Rhode Island aren't included in the exemption.

Per the Mills Administration, states from which to welcome visitors without quarantining or testing is being determined on the basis of incidence of COVID-19 infections, adjusted for population, being at or below that of Maine.

For residents of non-exempt states: note that not all COVID-19 tests are created equal in the view of Maine CDC. Go here for guidelines for acceptable COVID-19 tests

This latest move of the Mills Administration comes perhaps in response to Vermont's opening 1 July to residents of counties in 13 Northeastern states (plus DC) with fewer than 400 cases of COVID-19 per million residents.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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