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MOT announces 2020 Maine Tourism Award winners
30 July 2020

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Maine Office of Tourism

The Maine Office of Tourism has announced the recipients of the 2020 Maine Tourism Awards.

The Maine Tourism Awards recognize individuals, businesses and organizations that have distinguished themselves through their work and contributed to the growth of tourism in Maine.

These awards would normally have been given out at the Maine Governor's Conference on Tourism in April, but the 2020 event had to be canceled because of COVID-19.

Nature-tour providers Hardy Boat Cruises of New Harbor received the Governor's Award for Tourism Excellence.

The Marketing and Promotion Award went jointly to Thalo Blue destination Marketing, EcoPhotography and Aroostook County Tourism for their "Upta Camp" edition of the annual Aroostook County travel guide.

The Leadership and Growth Award went to Caribou Parks and Recreation for their support of the Maine snowmobile industry via the Official Aroostook County Trail Report.

The Creativity Award went jointly to Nervous Nellie's Jams and Jellies in Deer Isle and Opera House Arts in Stonington for the production and staging of an original play in Nervous Nellie's outdoor sculpture garden.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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