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Special Offer for Maine Tourism Association members: FREE website accessibility test
02 November 2020

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ACRO Global

Maine Tourism Association member:

You've probably seen this warning about website accessibility litigation that MTA sent out recently by e-mail:

“Website accessibility claims are on the rise, and in particular for those in the hospitality and tourism industries. In 2018, litigation related to website accessibility increased by approximately 180% compared to 2017. As of late, the increased use of digital devices and accessing information online during the pandemic, paired with large increases in lawsuits at the state level, has shined a spotlight on this formerly lesser-known issue. While you are likely aware of how Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) relates to physical spaces, you may not be aware of how exactly the requirements translate to online accommodations."

Because the ADA was enacted prior to widespread use of the internet, Title III and DoJ regulations do not specifically address the internet or provide guidelines for website compliance.

However: in 2018, the DoJ took the position that the ADA applies to the websites of businesses dealing with the public.

To address the issue of ambiguity as to how ADA Title III applies to websites, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has created recognized voluntary international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for website accessibility.

Is your website accessible under the WCAG? If not, what needs fixing?

For a limited time, we will provide FREE for any Maine Tourism Association member who requests it an accessibility analysis of their website using WCAG tools.

To request your free accessibility test, go here:

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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