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Maine Office of Tourism Visitor Tracking Research: December 2015 - April 2016
30 August 2016 (Edited )

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MOT June 2016

The Maine Office of Tourism has published results of the latest visitor tracking research by Davidson Peterson Associates.

Highlights for December 2015 - April 2016:

[This first group of items involves mainly observed behaviors, so data are pretty trustworthy.]

  • Overnight visitation to Maine increased at about the same rate as that for USA overall.
  • Day visitation was essentially flat.
  • Canadians' share of total visits was about the same as in the same period a year ago, despite falling Loonie.
  • The Maine Beaches region attracted the greatest share of both overnight and day visits; "food/beverage/culinary" and "shopping" were top drivers.
  • Share of first-time visitors was flat with the previous year.

[But this next group of items involves what people said their opinions were, or what they said they will do in future. Those kinds of data are subject to a pretty big margin of error because unless they're really unhappy about their experience, people tend to tell survey-takers what they think they want to hear.]

  • About three-fourths of overnight visitors and two-thirds of day-trippers said friendliness of the people exceeded their expectations.
  • About two-thirds of all visitors said overall quality of customer service exceeded expectations.
  • About two-thirds of overnight visitors said welcoming locals who make visitors feel comfortable exceeded expectations; day-trippers...not so much.
  • About 30% of overnight visitors and 40% of day-trippers say they already have plans to visit Maine again in the next 2 years.
  • 84% of overnight visitors and 77% of day-trippers say they will recommend Maine as a vacation destination to friends or relatives.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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